Come enjoy and learn the world of paracord. You will find hundreds of our video tutorials that can be easily sorted by newest, most views, or most liked. You can even bookmark your favorites so that you may view them over and over. Our videos have over 20 million views and are regarded as the some of the absolute best. Shawn will teach you the very basic skills you will need to produce simple paracord items. If you are an advanced "paracordist", there are more complex videos for you as well.
New videos are added all the time and will automatically be added to this app without worrying about having to update your app.
To bookmark a video for later use, simply find the video you wish to bookmark in the list of videos and hold down on the video. Once it's bookmarked, a ribbon will attach to that video, letting you know it was saved.
Datang menikmati dan belajar dunia paracord. Anda akan menemukan ratusan video tutorial kami yang dapat dengan mudah diurutkan oleh terbaru, sebagian besar tampilan, atau paling disukai. Anda bahkan dapat membuat penunjuk favorit Anda sehingga Anda dapat melihat mereka berulang-ulang. video kami memiliki lebih dari 20 juta tampilan dan dianggap sebagai beberapa yang terbaik mutlak. Shawn akan mengajarkan Anda keterampilan yang sangat dasar yang Anda akan perlu untuk menghasilkan barang-barang paracord sederhana. Jika Anda adalah lanjutan "paracordist", ada video yang lebih kompleks untuk Anda juga.
video baru ditambahkan sepanjang waktu dan secara otomatis akan ditambahkan ke aplikasi ini tanpa perlu khawatir harus memperbarui aplikasi Anda.
Untuk bookmark video untuk digunakan nanti, hanya menemukan video yang ingin bookmark dalam daftar video dan tahan pada video. Setelah itu bookmark, pita akan melampirkan ke video itu, membiarkan Anda tahu itu disimpan.
Come enjoy and learn the world of paracord. You will find hundreds of our video tutorials that can be easily sorted by newest, most views, or most liked. You can even bookmark your favorites so that you may view them over and over. Our videos have over 20 million views and are regarded as the some of the absolute best. Shawn will teach you the very basic skills you will need to produce simple paracord items. If you are an advanced "paracordist", there are more complex videos for you as well.
New videos are added all the time and will automatically be added to this app without worrying about having to update your app.
To bookmark a video for later use, simply find the video you wish to bookmark in the list of videos and hold down on the video. Once it's bookmarked, a ribbon will attach to that video, letting you know it was saved.